Country 103 – Ghana (Afro Continental Restaurant)

Afro Continental Restaurant
: 849 Albion Road, Etobicoke

The last time I tried fufu (which is basically a much starchier version of mashed potatoes that’s generally made with cassava or plantain), I found it to be an acquired taste that I haven’t quite acquired.

Well, Afro Continental Restaurant serves a very fufu-like dish called diehuo, and it was absolutely delightful.

Afro Continental Restaurant

Diehuo is a Ghanaian specialty that the menu describes as “smooth white corn dough in sauce with goat meat, tripe, cow foot, and cow intestines.”

The diehuo itself was tasty enough, with a nice thick texture that isn’t overly starchy or gummy.  But it’s the “sauce” they serve it with (which is really more of a soup or a stew) that absolutely makes the dish.

Afro Continental Restaurant

It’s an absolute bonanza of flavours, with an addictive vibrancy and a decent amount of heat to keep things interesting.  It has a mildly slimy texture, but not in an unpleasant way — it reminded me of mulukhiyah, a really tasty Middle Eastern soup.

And with the exception of the tripe, which was leathery and inedible, all of the meats were tender and delicious (though I didn’t get any intestine).

Afro Continental Restaurant

It’s the type of dish that makes me really happy to be doing this blog, because it’s something I otherwise probably never would have tried, and it’s so good.